The Issues At Hand
Transparency, Accountability, & Communication

Michael Logue fought to move Union Township forward and publish their financial data on Ohio Open Checkbook. This transparency tool allows residents see where their money is spent. If you would like to find out more information about this issue, as well as others, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Michael fought to launch for the first time ever, a Township Administrator's Annual Operating Budget to serve as a communication tool to the community. Michael believes that residents should have an annual plan communicated to them to hold their elected representatives accountable.

Michael Logue is committed to bring new communication channels to Union Township, one example is the new formation and launch of Citizen Boards such as the Parks and Recreation Committee. Michael knows this is a Government of the people and by the people, he will keep pushing until the Government can work for all people.
Want to find out more? Get in touch today.